Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The tweats

My momo made me's angwy today. I woke up with da alawm clock and hoppeded out of bed. Wan down da staiws to da cat potty woom to have a snack. Momo yelleded at me's and tolded me to come back up da staiws. So I did not get my snack that da cats make each night fow us. I gave hew the stink eye, but she didnt cawe. I twied to tell hew dat da cats wowk hawd to make da tweats fow us dogs.

Da small haiwless one is making the loud noises. Momo says he's is tiwed. When I is tiwed I don't make dos loud noises, I's just cuwls up and sweeps. Anyway goodnight.


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The hairless one that is small

In my live in pwace we have fouw big hairless ones a small hairless one. One of da big hairless ones is my momo, da odew is my dada, den dewes my seeeestew and da one dat is with my seeeestew. Da small hairless one walks like us dogs, but den when neaw any of da setty stuff it stands on its hind legs. Da othew day I was busy making suwe dat none of da big hairless ones choked on da food dey was eatin and all of a sudden da small hairless one came up to me on it's fouw legs..... it gwabbed at me and I wan past it. Da odew hairless ones just laughed and did not cage up da small hairless one. It chased me sevewal times and da others just laughed hawder. I was ascawed! When da small hairless one catches me it pinches which no one laughs at. I can't figure out da hairless ones. I do like the small hairless one when it eates what dey call "puffs". I clean up aftew it when it drops puffs. Sometimes it drops puffs to me on purpose.

I do loves me hairess ones. Dey let me out in da fwee space to do what dey call "dog business". I do not cawes about going out in da fwee space!!! It is cold out dere. Some times dere is white stuff on da ground, some times dere is water falling from da above place. I no need to go out dare to do dog business, in fwont of the squak box is fine wid me, but when I do dog business in fwont of da squak box it makes my momo mad at me. Da big hairless ones do know where to scritch da Boscoe dog in all da right itchy pwaces. But den day laugh when me's bottom teef show because I waise me nose because it feews gude. My momo wets me sweep wiff her. I cuwls up by her to stay wawms. I made hew faw out of da bed pwace the udder nite. It was funny.

Den der is Zeke. He is my bestest fwend. We pway bitey face, we do da bt500, and we hump for da dominance. (He needs to wern dat I am da top dog.) I wiw tell you a secwet abowt Zeke, he wuvs to wick me undew and weaw pawts.

Weww dat is aww fo now. Me needs to cuwl up and go back to sweeps.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

It's morning

Hi friends. It's me Boscoe. I'm going to be telling you about my days and what goes on and what I think about stuff. I am new at this so please bare (heehee) with me while I learn.
This is me: Photobucket