Sunday, February 22, 2009

Tiz Boscoe again


Hi all, it is me da Bosman again tonight. I couldn't sleep because people told my momo my english is not good. I am practicing while my momo sleeps. I am sorry dat my blogs was hard to read. I promise to do better. I just have to type slower. I tought I would introduce you to my family.


Dis is my sistah and her frend holding the bad twins. One of whome is loosing his nuggets on monday. My sistah is evil, but I love her anyway. She shaved a smiley face on my butt!


My sistah is going to be going away to da Army soon. Here she is enjoying da gas chamber in basic training. Doesn't look like much fun to me, I will stay here and chew on my bully sticks.


And here is da little hairless one dat walks on two leggs now!!!


Dis is my brudder. He is good to me most of da time.


Dis is my best friend, Zeke.

Well, I am going to bed wid my momo. Good night.


  1. peepz wut not unnerstan youz inglish needs tew praktiss by goin tew de "i can has cheezburger?" websyte. nyce tew see boston wut b habbin themz own blogs! i'z waitin fur mi boston puppy tew b born, and then she'll b part uv de "bostions wut blog" gang - can't wayt! in de meentyme: keep up de good werk! / mumrik
    pea ess: here'z whur i'll b bloggin wiff mai boston terror:

  2. oh man, you'd better start your own basic training before your baby hooman gets good on those legs. I know my baby hooman is just waiting for the day he can try to chase me down but I'm going to make sure I'm faster than him! Love, Martha
